“Having a low view of the holiness of God leads one to not understand why Jesus is the only way to the Father. By knowing the holiness of God, one would know the weight of the privilege it is to have access to the Holy God through Christ, which this generation by those who claim to call upon the Lord have undermined by turning such grace into a means of gaining worldly things and demand that God do what they asked because of some great faith. The practice in itself shows that it does not understand the grace of approaching God because once you demand based on some faith you have it is no longer based on the grace of the one you are approaching but on the terms of your faith. Such a sad reality that this generation has put itself in.”
This episode is also available as a blog post: https://preachingthewordinstitute.wordpress.com/2021/08/12/on-the-holiness-of-god-and-the-way-to-god-through-jesus-christ/