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Introduction to Silozi English Bible Dictionary

2 min read

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Introduction #

Many have undertaken the work of producing materials that have helped us in our study of the word of God, to which we owe a great debt of appreciation. Following the steps of those who have gone before us in the ministry of the gospel, we as a team at ELC undertook the course of working on these works: Silozi-English Bible Dictionary, Silozi Bible concordance, etc. for the reasons that are laid out below:


The word of God is central in our Christian faith because it is a testimony of God’s Son Jesus Christ who came to die for our sins so that by grace through faith, we have eternal life. The Scripture encourages each one of us who labor in communicating God’s testimony to His people to Do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). The scripture gives the reasons why we need to handle the word of truth correctly:
  • It is the trustworthy message of God (Titus 1:9) that God uses to train in righteousness, teach, rebuke, and correct so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work . 2 Tim 3:16-17, NIV
  •  It is the only authority we have over our lives. What we should believe for our salvation is revealed in the Holy Scripture (Eph 2:1-10, John 3:16). The way we should live in view of God’s grace in His Son Christ is revealed in the Holy Scripture (Titus 2:11-14, Col 3:1-11, Eph 5:3-7, Matt 5:27-30 ). Our growth in the knowledge of Christ is in the Holy Scripture (2 Tim 3:15, 1 Peter 2:2-3, Matt. 4:4). What we need to do now for God’s glory is also revealed in the Holy Scripture (Matt. 28:18-20, Act 1:8, Col 1:24-29)


When I went to Ambassador International University for my Bachelor of Art in theology, I was amazed by the number of books that has been written in English as study tools. I came to understand that there is more scholarly work done in English. This work shows how God’s people are laboring to communicate the word of God to the people. This good example of laboring for the Lord should continue till the coming of Lord Jesus Christ. Now, there should be more also materials in the local languages of the people. We know that language is the means through which truth and values are communicated to the people. Our goal should be that people understand our message. For this reason, I considered it a privilege that God put this desire on my heart to labor for the sake of the body of Christ to work on the Silozi English Bible Dictionary. -Lyengamuwa’s testimony-
We believe that, in light of what God has done for us, He calls us who believe in Him to share this good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world (Mat 28: 18-20). For this very reason, we are convinced that an extensive study and a clear understanding of the word of God is necessary for doing what God has called or commanded us to do here on earth as believers. If you understand God’s call for your life, that is to preach to the Lozi people in their local language, this is your tool. Glory, honor, and power to our God and to the Lamb of God now and forever more, Amen!
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