School Report

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School Report Data Entry #

    • When you click on the Transcript button in the navigation, this form will pop up
    • Choose the form you want to go to. In this case, let us begin with the School Report Data Entry
    • The form shown below will pop up
    SchoolReport DataEntry

    Follow the instruction shown on the form

    • To edit the result for the student, click on the edit result for this student button. The figure shown below shows the form for editing results for the selected student

    Cumulative School Report #

    This report is given so that a student can have a summary of all the results within his or her period of learning with the school.

    Cumulative Report

    • Click on the grade filter
    • Select the student from the search
    • Click on the ‘Click to see the results button’
    • A message box will pop to guide you on what to do. Follow the instruction given
    • You can use the scroll bar on the form to see the end of the list of classes
    • Download the data where results are showing using the blue button pointing downward
    • Use the year range below to get the report for the student. This year range basically is for the period one started school and left school or the last year of the student with the school.
    • To see the data downloaded for this report click on the ‘Data’ button on the menu of this form

    Student School Report #

    StudentSchool Report

    This is where you view and print the school report for the student.

    • Click the grade filter
    • Select the student from the student combo
    • The results will show as shown above
    • Use the report settings to preview or print the report for the student
    • When your preview the report this is what you will have as shown below

    NOTE:  The unverified label on the Report is showing because your school name is not verified by the supplier. Make sure when you buy the product you follow the instruction given

    In order to have customized Reports that meet your school’s needs, you need to contact the developer of this software. Please know that this is going to be a separate deal from the one you made when buying this software, hence the developer is going to charge you for this service according to the nature of the reports made. This is true for any feature that you would want to be added if the developer is able to make it and have it added.

    Views: 3

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