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This is a free login Template for Microsoft Access. You can modify it and change the code to suit your program. No credit is to be made.

On starting up

  1. This is the login form. The default username “SDS” and password is “1234”
  2. When you login the start up form will show up. Follow the instructions given
  3. If you followed step 2, you should be able to see the Demo Home. Now you have to know that this form is used as an example. Assuming that you have your main form, know that when you log in your main form will be the one opening instead of the example(fsartupForm) which is the demo home

On remembering the login password

If you want to automatically have your password when you select your name, make sure to check the “remember” when you log in

On creating the account

If you want to add a new user to the program, this form is here to help you create that account. Know that the cancel button helps you to go back to the login form. once you save, this form will close and you be directed to the login form where you be required to use the information you have used to create an account

Free Login Template for MS Access

This login Template is free to use. You can modify it and change the code to suit your program. No credit is to be made.

Size: 2.7 MB


Free Advanced MS Access Login Template v.2

What this version offers:

Admin will be able to

  1. Help users who want to renew their passwords
  2. Assign permissions to users with regards to which forms they can have access to
  3. Create accounts for new users

RECOMMENDATION (Free Advanced MS Access Login Template)


Check out this updated version: Free MS Access Template with Login Form and Settings

Free MS Access Template with Login Form and Settings v.3

Free MS Access Template with Login Form and Settings

  • Allows the admin to add new users (Full control of users)
  • Allows the Admin to assign forms for access to each user
  • Has the navigation panel that can be customized by assigning captions to the buttons and the forms to be opened by each button
  • Has a homepage with buttons that can be customized in real-time or while the program is running. Two things can be assigned to the button: the new caption and the form to open when clicked

RECOMMENDATION (Free MS Template with Login Form and Settings)

  1. Watch these Tutorials for clarity HERE


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