Table of Contents
Series Title: The meditations on the word of God
With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.
Dan 11:32, NIV
God’s holiness and the sinfulness of man
When evil rises to fight the light, The darkness in the hearts of men against the holy God, the holy One of Israel, God whose light shines strongly conquers the darkness, For, darkness flees before Him. In His judgments men are left powerless before Him. The Holy God who judges sin and leave not one unjudged
God’s redemptive work in Christ
He has stepped into history and said let there be light. And there was light in the hearts of those who believe. The fullness of His goodness revealed in them through Christ the Lord. For in His mercy, He looked on His prisoners and took on Himself what was due to them. The judgment of death and cursing. And gave them what was not due to them, life eternal freely by faith
And those who know their God stand firm in the darkness within and without. For great is their God who shines His righteousness in them and makes them blameless and holy through His Son Jesus. For In Christ the hostility we had toward God is removed.
Our hearts are caused by God’s grace to see the glory of God in Christ. And we yearn to love and seek the Lord all our days
For the strength of sin in which we boasted in against the Holy One of Israel has been brought to naught. For God has sanctified Himself before all men as the Mighty one to Save.
God’s final judgement on non-believers
So, what will He do to us if we trample down such grace revealed in His Son in our unbelief?
What will He do to us if we forsake such truth of who He is in our unbelief? What is our lose if we say, “we do not need you Jesus Christ”?
There is the loss of life and loss of not having One who is the wellspring of life and goodness. For Christ was judged for us, and life He gives freely
And if to that we say, “No”, so His judgement is fitting to send us away from Him forever
How terrible is being separated from Him in everlasting punishment? How great are the judgements of God that causes men powerless in their rebellion?
For the strength of sin in which we boasted in against the Holy one of Israel has been brought to naught. For God has sanctified Himself before all men as the Mighty one to judge