1 minutes readFree Advanced Login Template for MS Access

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Free Advanced Login Template for MS Access is a login template for programmers who make programs in MS Access.

What this version offers:

Admin will be able to

  1. Help users who want to renew their passwords
  2. Assign permissions to users with regards to which forms they can have access to
  3. Create accounts for new users

What to know about permissions

Each user has 12 forms slot which the admins can assign forms and grant permission.

For easy memory, you are encouraged to add the names of the forms in the combos on the user permissions found on the settings form. The combos have been assigned the value list property.

Order on Assigning Forms

Know that the form that you put on F1A Name is the one that is going to be opened by a button named Demo 1 on the Home form.

When you are working on your project keep that order in mind

How free is the template?

You are free to modify the template in whatever way suits your project. No credit is to be given to us. You are free to add the template to many projects you have.

Where to download

Free Advanced MS Access Login Template v.2

What this version offers:

Admin will be able to

  1. Help users who want to renew their passwords
  2. Assign permissions to users with regards to which forms they can have access to
  3. Create accounts for new users

Views: 98

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