5 - 6 minutes readSERVICE IN THE CHURCH

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Article By Isaac Duwa ||

We are living in a world that is more and more drowning us into a consumer mentality. This hasn’t left the kingdom alone but is slowly creeping in. More and more Christians have become consumers and not part of the service in the church. They come into the worship service, expecting a soloist, choir, or group to be ready to minister to them in music. They expect a fully prepared secretary or deacon to provide the necessary announcements. They expect a preacher who is ready to wow them. The only thing they do is show up right at the time when the worship service starts. In the service, they deep into their pockets, and give when the offering time is up. We have developed a mentality that we can just buy and then leave into their cars or whatever means they have the minute the closing prayer or benediction is given. They are not involved in serving in any capacity, not in the choir, not in the ushering, not in the help, not in the church welfare committees, not in the church building committee, not involved with the Youth, Women’s, and Children ministries, not involved in any midweek programs.  There are people, Christians who are not productive for the kingdom in any service.

God made the Christian Journey one of a kind. He made sure that a believer should not be a lone-wolf let alone just a consumer of the service of others. He wants the believer to be available for Him at the same time available for the brethren. What we lack, He has offered it to us in abundance through the church around us and what they lack, he has given it in abundance through us.

Being a believer should be more. The Old Testament gives us so may examples of godly men and women who did great exploits for God. They didn’t do it while just waiting to be ministered to, consumming whatever others bring to the table. The man of God, Moses (Num. 12:3; Heb. 11:25-26). He chose to be available for God. He presented himself to God for service (self-denial) and through great hardship, he accomplished the plan of God. In the time of the Kings when the giant Goliath was haing the time of his life, mocking the Israelites and shaming them, David came out (2 Sam. 16:11; 1 Sam. 16:13, 17:37). He didn’t want to just spectate. He didn’t want to just enjoy what other people could do. COuld God have done it by the hand of others? Absolutely! What made David so great? The fact that he stepped out of a multitude of warriors and said, “I’ll be the one.” Any other person could have stepped forward and accomplished the task. But David made the voluntary decision to be great in the Lord. The prophet Elijah (1Kings 17:2-3, 8-9). Elijah is considered by many the greatest prophet of the Jews. What made him great? He followed instructions. God told him to go to the brook Cherith, and he went to the brook Cherith. God told him to go to Zarephath, he went to Zarephath. No argument, no complaint, he just obeyed. He was available.

Why then are we having so many Christians struggling to obey, stand out and serve others? We want Christianity with rewards and a grand entrance in the coming glory but with no work. We want a Christianity that costs us nothing but gives us everything. We want a Christianity that is just take take take and never give. We come to services with a consumer mentality and nothing to bring to the edification of saints. The church which has no service among the saints is dry and is in no way effective in its purposes. Every Christian is supposed to;

  • 1.  Be willing to obey and submit God by serving. Following Jesus does not mean you live independently from his example and instruction. Jesus served; you should serve also. Why would we want to be called Christian but not follow his example?
  • 2. Overcome the fear of Hardship and be willing to serve nonetheless. Are you prepared to endure hardship for Christ’s cause? Following Jesus means hardship is not only a possibility, but a guarantee. But James 1:12 explains, “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” As we endure hardship, we can be assured of Christ’s provision for it. There are times when the only reason you stand is Christ and not the circumstances.
  • 3. Know that the world and even other believers will not always accept you but God expects you to serve anyway. When you truly know Jesus Christ, it’s hard to imagine how others won’t receive him and his followers. But Jesus doesn’t shield us from this sobering reality: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18, NIV).
  • 4. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone. Christians are called to preach, teach, comfort, cheer, edify, counsel, seek justice, defend the helpless, and serve the poor. None of these commands can be accomplished by sitting quietly in your home or in the pews.
  • 5.  Take and accept God at his word. Being human as we are means you will not always understand God’s sovereignty. You will question why he allows you to serve in a certain way, give you gifts, positions and responsibilities that seem not on your stronger side. You have not been instructed to fully understand; you are to walk by faith, acknowledging that his ways are higher than yours, and that his thoughts are greater than yours (Isaiah 55:9).
  • 6. Be prepared to love. At first glance, love sounds easily achievable. But in loving as Christ did, this means you cannot be selective about who you love. Following Jesus means loving without condition. But don’t be confused: Loving here means loving in action, not feelings. You may not be able to feel love for your prideful churchmate, neighbor or spiteful relative, but you are still commanded to love them. John 13:34-35 spells this out: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

God has placed us into the church not just to live a life of our own but to serve. “Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” — Mark 10:45

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